Hopefully, it doesn’t take a lot for you to convince your customers that they need to pay attention to cybersecurity. As we mentioned in our previous post, in just one quarter in 2018, 765 million people were impacted by data breaches.  And, since most hackers use human error to get onto a network – through phishing emails and text messages, for example – there should be even more concern to know that there will be an estimated 3 billion email users before the end of this decade, while 16 million text messages are sent and shared every minute.

It’s a ripe opportunity for hackers and a worrisome situation for providers such as; value-added resellers (VARs), consultants, and system intergrators who may not have the time or depth of cybersecurity expertise to create the right solutions for their customers. That hasn’t stopped most providers from jumping on the bandwagon, though.  And, while many providers are focused on putting together the most comprehensive suite of cybersecurity products, even the most robust portfolio isn’t enough without the right strategy and implementation backing it up. What’s often missing is a commitment to human capital and the overall security posture requirements – a role often filled by a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

In the business world, a CISO is an executive-level team member who is responsible for establishing the strategy that identifies the protection of all information assets – including products, policy implementation, and business continuity.  This isn’t cheap – the investment of time and money to find, onboard and retain an experienced CISO will cost a company in the mid six figures.

Obviously, this is a barrier to entry for companies that don’t have the human resources or budget to support a CISO role. And that’s where providers can set themselves apart by tapping into a qualified resource – a Virtual CISO, or vCISO.  While cybersecurity technology and tools are important, the most valuable of providers will be able to offer that extra layer of support that all companies demand.

In situations where a business cannot support the expense of another senior leader, the vCISO is critical.  By providing this capability as a service, providers can offer to effectively assess a customer’s security landscape, understand which tools they do/do not need and build security postures customized for the individual organization at a fraction of the cost of bringing on a full-time CISO.

Today, providers with vCISO offerings standout from the rest, because these experts bring decades of experience and allow the provider to deliver end-to-end strategic support based on the unique needs of each customer.  As in any cyber offering, it is imperative to tap into resources that guide you in creating the most comprehensive portfolio as possible.

Not all cybersecurity portfolios – or vCISOs – are created equal, however. Before you can offer the best to your customers, you need to make sure you have found a provider who brings top-level cyber services to the equation, including:

  • A full understanding of the human capital part of the security equation and access to vetted, pre-screened CISO-level professional services;
  • A portfolio backed by leaders with extensive cyber security experience – including consulting, secure IT engineering, managed security and Incident Response;
  • The ability to provide you with a full-range of cybersecurity services so you can create the right portfolios for your customers; and
  • High-level strategic advice and counsel to help you piece it all together and effective communication methods to explain the strategy to your end customers.

Interested in learning more? https://intergridms.com/services-portfolio/cyber-security/